TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Friday, November 8, 2002
news campus opinion sports features


Katrina Shutt
sophomore marketing and finance major

What are your goals if elected Student Government Association Treasurer?
My main goal if elected SGA Treasurer is to find money in the budget consistently left unallocated each year and move it to areas of the budget that need more funding. A variety of groups approach SGA for assistance in funding conferences, conventions, and other special programs and I feel we should try to fund and support as many of those programs as possible. I also want to keep the books balanced, accurate and up

What are your qualifications to serve as Student Government Association Treasurer?
I have had previous experience as serving as an organization’s treasurer, along with lots of experience in leadership positions through SGA and other academic and community organizations. I am a very dedicated, trustworthy, and organized student with great time management skills, all of which I would use to serve TCU students to the best of my ability as SGA Treasurer.

What is the No. 1 issue you think the House should take up next year, and what is your suggestion for how the House should solve that issue?
I think the House should focus their attention on reviewing the budget to see what areas of Student Government programming are under-funded and over-funded.
That information would allow us to make a better allocation of SGA’s financial resources when the new budget is prepared in the spring. If needed, House would make the corresponding changes to the Constitution and Fiscal Policy.

What is the one unique thing you have done as a student at TCU that sets you apart from other students?
As Residential Concerns chair for House, I have spearheaded a campaign focused on increasing student awareness of the recycling opportunities available in the residence halls. I feel that this sets me apart from other students as I am working towards making a change instead of just talking about the need for one.

Do you support the proposed SGA fee increase? Why or why not?
I agree 100% with the fee increase. The extra money raised by the relatively small increase per person would dramatically increase the overall SGA budget. With extra money, we could fund and support many new programs and increase the quality of existing programming. The fee increase would benefit SGA programming, and also the overall quality of TCU programs because SGA would have the money to financially support other organizations’ activities if they need that assistance.

How much influence do you plan to have upon how Programming Council regulates its budget? And how will you work with PC to maintain accurate records?
I will work with Programming Council to review their budget, see where changes need to be made, and make those positive changes which would allow them to support as many programs as possible. Also guidelines should be set and followed for each area of the budget. I would also work with Programming Council to help create an organized system of current expenditures. Keeping things current and organized is the key to maintaining accurate records.

What can SGA do to create more flexibility in the budget to prevent left-over funds?
Previous budgets need to be reviewed to find areas where money is consistently left-over, and their budgets need to be decreased. The extra money can be allocated towards the areas requiring more funding, like conferences, conventions, and special programs. Those originals areas would be allowed to draw from the reserve fund if they need extra money, but by allocating it elsewhere we can support other important areas within the budget.

Chris Mattingly
junior international finance and accounting major

What are your goals if elected Student Government Association Treasurer?
My goals are to effectively and responsibly distribute the Student Body's money to the most effective areas of use. This includes the possibility of increasing the percentage of funds allocated to Conferences and Conventions, Special Projects, and Co-Programming. I want to use students money in the most effective way I am able and in responding to their desires in terms of capital expenditures.

What are your qualifications to serve as Student Government Association Treasurer?
I am an international finance and accounting major. Therefore this is in my professional field. I have served in Student Government for 2 1/2 years as different committee chairs and appointed positions. I am the VP of Finance for Delta Sigma Pi, and have previously been the fundraising chair. I have run major programs on campus such as Frogpalooza. I have a large amount of experience in the area of financial planning and budgeting.

What is the No. 1 issue you think the House should take up next year, and what is your suggestion for how the House should solve that issue?
Considering my area of concern if elected Treasurer would be finances, then I would say that my number one issue would be making sure the student's money is most effectively returned to them through SGA sponsorship of organizations and superior programming. This can be done by careful, meticulous planning and tracking of how we spend our money and what it is going toward.

What is the one unique thing you have done as a student at TCU that sets you apart from other students?
I would say one unique thing would be the organizing and running of Frogpalooza during Howdy Week. With the help of my BSM family and great director Toney Upton, we were able to provide a campus wide concert, headlined by one of the top Christian rock artists in the country. We were able to serve the students in a loving environment, and daily I am thankful of how God used us through that experience.

Do you support the proposed SGA fee increase? Why or why not?
Student Government Fees need to be increased to continue providing quality programming for the Student Body of TCU. Ultimately the decision lies in the hands of the students in the upcoming election.

I would encourage each of them to vote yes, because a simple increase of $10 a semester can provide a $120,000 a year benefit for them.

Mainly the need is based on the increased programming costs and our desire to serve TCU

How much influence do you plan to have upon how Programming Council regulates its budget? And how will you work with PC to maintain accurate records?
I plan on finding a quality person to be my right hand in Programming Council. The Treasurer always appoints a person to watch over PC Budgeting issues. I plan on finding the highest quality student to work together with to make sure Student Fees are distributed equitably and efficiently through Student Programming. We will monitor and account for all capital expenditures PC makes, and advise of the fiscal merit of each program and investment.

What can SGA do to create more flexibility in the budget to prevent left-over funds?
SGA can shift items through the budget by creating line items for certain capital expenditures, thus spreading major costs throughout the overall budget. Furthermore a flexibility amongst the budget of each organization is key seeing as certain areas always come up with budget shortfalls, while others have budget surpluses. As in all budgeting it is important to keep and eye on where the money is and where it needs to go.


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