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Thursday, September 20, 2001

SACS campus surveys coming soon
By Jacque Petersell
Staff Reporter

Surveys to assist in the university’s re-accreditation process will be finalized within a week, said Alan Shepard, director of the self-study required by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Shepard said students, faculty, staff and alumni will receive electronic surveys by mid-October or early November to measure their opinions about campus services including the TCU Police, the Student Center and the Health Center.

Provost William Koehler has authorized monetary prizes for those who return surveys.

Prizes offered to students are one $1,000 prize, two $500 prizes and five $100 prizes, added to the student’s account or ID card. Prizes offered to faculty and staff are five free reserved parking spaces. Winners will be drawn at a later date.

The surveys will be used to gather information about the university to assist the committee in the self-study, Shepard said. People will be asked for some background information such as race, grade level, amount of school completed and alumni salaries.

He said the surveys will be used to assess opinions about certain areas of campus. Shepard said, in one example, the committee may break down the surveys by race, then see how many people may not be satisfied with the TCU Police. The results will help them look at other areas, such as if racial profiling occurs on campus, Shepard said. The surveys will be used for the re-accreditation process and to generally improve the university, he said.

The committee discussed wording modifications Wednesday.

Bonnie Melhart, chairwoman of the educational support services committee and an associate professor of computer science, said she had problems with asking alumni how much money they made.

“I felt uneasy about how success is gauged,” Melhart said. “(This question) gives alumni the impression that those are the only (things) we care about.”

Melissa Canady, a member of the steering committee, said alumni salaries are important because they allow the committee to compare the university to other institutions. She said other schools emphasize how much money their alumni make.

Shepard said committee members will meet again Wednesday to discuss changes to the survey draft and plan for a final draft to be distributed.

Jacque Petersell


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