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Internships Credit Information Sessions for business students will be at 5 p.m. today, Wednesday and March 1 in Dan Rogers Hall, Room 166.

The Second Valentine’s Concert will present the music of Glenn Miller at 7:30 p.m. today in Ed Landreth Hall. Admission is $8 for the public and $5 for TCU students, faculty and staff with ID.

TCU students interested in entering a creative writing contest may pick up contest applications and descriptions in Reed Hall, Room 314, and in Rickel Building, Room 100. Twenty-four prizes, totaling near $3,000, will be given to students who write poetry, fiction, drama and essays. The deadline is Friday.

The TCU art and art history departments and the Nancy Quarles Stuck Art History Lecture Fund will present a free lecture at noon Monday in the Moudy Building North, Room 132. The lecture, titled “Rembrandt and the Jews,” will be given by Shelley Perlove, professor of art history at the University of Michigan at Dearborn. For more information contact the art department at (817) 257-7643.

TCU Career Night, sponsored by Career Services, will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursday in the Student Center Ballroom. For more information call (817) 257-7860 or go by Career Services.

The TCU London Centre will have information sessions at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Student Center, Room 203, and 4 p.m. Thursday in the Student Center, Room 205. Students interested in spending a fall or spring semester at the London Centre are encouraged to attend. Application deadline for fall 2001 is March 15. Applications are available in the International Education Office in Sadler Hall, Room 16.

Announcements of campus events, public meetings and other general campus information should be brought to the TCU Daily Skiff office at Moudy Building South, Room 291, mailed to TCU Box 298050 or e-mailed to ( Deadline for receiving announcements is 2 p.m. the day before they are to run. The Skiff reserves the right to edit submissions for style, taste and space available.

