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Changing Church
Updates to accommodate for growth

By LaNasha Houze
Staff Reporter

Classroom construction and the pledge drive are well underway for the ever-growing University Christian Church, said Jerri Robbins, director of communications for UCC.

Photo by Tim Cox - Skiff Staff

Thursday’s inclement weather disallowed workers to continue construction on University Christian Church, but Jerri Robbins, UCC director of communications, said classroom construction is well underway.

Robbins said the church is currently so tightly squeezed that everyone cannot join a class.

“We can’t begin new classes because we have no space to hold them,” Robbins said.

The 5,000-member church recently began its first major expansion project in 30 years. Last year the church pledged to raise $5.7 million over the course of three years to cover the cost of the project. Robbins said to date the church has raised $1.9 million, more than half its goal.

“(April 30) members turned in special cards that stated their donation commitment,” Robbins said. “Members agreed to pay their capital campaign pledge in three years.”

Rev. Steve Martin, associate minister for the college and singles ministry at UCC, said the proposed date for the construction completion is in January or February 2002.

“There were a lot of things that we didn’t foresee,” Martin said. “We are growing, and we have gotten too large for the existing building.

We need more classrooms.”

Proposed renovations for the church include a new education building, a youth center, a multimedia conference center, relocation of the main sewer line and improved views in the sanctuary.

The sewer line, which was originally placed underneath the building in 1873, was not up to the current city code. Furthermore, asbestos removal was necessary at the beginning stages of construction.

Robbins said renovations for the gallery and sanctuary are finished but said the next step was unclear.

“It depends on each previous step (in terms of) which construction will occur next,” Robbins said. “Currently the parking lot, education building and sewer line are under construction.”

TCU students who are members of the church say they will be excited to see the end product.

Fester Rose, a senior religion major, said he is anticipating the completion of the college lounge.

“Right now we are moving to different rooms for our meeting,” Rose said. “The lounge will be more personalized and a place that we can call our own. We will be able to relax, hang out and worship, as well in the meeting area.”

Rose said that despite having to change rooms, the renovations are not a disturbance to the activities of the college group.

Robbins said expansion of the sanctuary was not an urgent need of the church.

“Our sanctuary seats about 1,200 members,” Robbins said, “We only have about 3,000 dedicated members that may attend services, and they don’t all attend church at the same time. You can always find a space for worshippers, even if we have to put out temporary (chairs) or push people closer together.”

Robbins said the church congregation increases in size by about 250 to 300 members a year.

LaNasha Houze


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