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Recipients, donors honored

By Jessica Cervantez
Staff Reporter

Students were given the opportunity to meet, mingle and show appreciation to their scholarship donors Wednesday night at TCU’s annual scholarship dinner in the Dee J. Kelly Alumni and Visitors Center.

Students, faculty and donors mingle at the annual scholarship dinner held Wednesday night in the Dee. J. Kelly Alumni Visitors Center. The dinner gives students the opportunity to meet the donor who awarded them the scholarship.

Nancy Madsen, stewardship events coordinator, said the event gives students the chance to establish relationships with the donors who awarded them the scholarships.

“Most of the students who receive these scholarships are on some type of financial aid, but not all,” Madsen said.

Madsen said scholarship donors have different criteria for the scholarships they establish, and the students who are selected meet those standards. She said decisions are based on a variety of factors such as a student’s major, religion or hometown.

For example, the Curtis Family Scholarship is given specifically to an outstanding Student Foundation member. This scholarship was developed to honor TCU alumnus Chris Curtis’ brother who was killed in a car accident.

Curtis said his brother was the president of Student Foundation and was very active in the organization.

Mari Monneyham, a senior kinesiology major, received this year’s Curtis Family Scholarship.

“I feel so honored, because a lot of people applied for this scholarship,” Monneyham said. “It makes you want to return the favor.”

Ray Rothrock, a venture capitalist from California, was the guest speaker of the evening. As a jazz lover, Rothrock established two endowed scholarships for students interested in music.

Jessica Cervantez


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