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Letter to the editor
Volunteerism should be personal gift instead of a requirement

Over the past semester, the Skiff has published articles pushing for requiring volunteerism in college. Think about this: doesn’t “requiring” someone to “volunteer” contradict itself? Unfortunately, the self-contradictory idea of “required volunteerism” has spread to the Student House of Representatives. In an April 10 article, I learned that Academic Affairs chairman Brian Casebolt wants House to pass a resolution that would require faculty to do community service in order to earn tenure.

Let me translate this with my politically incorrect dictionary: Casebolt wants to force TCU faculty members to do unpaid labor to ensure that they can keep their paying jobs permanently.

Community service should never be a requirement, nor a responsibility, but a gift. I voluntarily spent a summer teaching underprivileged, intelligent students in the prestigious Summerbridge internship program. It was rewarding because I was giving the gift of my free time to help other people reach their human potentials. I helped young people grow by encouraging them to apply themselves in ways they never thought they could. It is an amazing feeling when you know you are voluntarily sharing your time with someone who you want but are not required — to help.

Community service is rewarding precisely because it is voluntary. Let’s keep it that way.

— Morgan Landry,
junior computer information science major


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Letters to the editor: The Skiff welcomes letters to the editor for publication. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, signed and limited to 250 words. To submit a letter, bring it to the Skiff, Moudy 291S; mail it to TCU Box 298050; e-mail it to or fax it to 257-7133. Letters must include the author’s classification, major and phone number. The Skiff reserves the right to edit or reject letters for style, taste and size restrictions.


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