Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Chancellor search down to final candidates
Some look for new chancellor to instill school pride
By Jacque Nguyen
Staff Reporter

Members of the Chancellor Search Committee are workingtoward making a recommendation of two or three final candidates to the Board of Trustees, said R. Denny Alexander, chairman of the search committee.
For several weeks, the committee has been reviewing a large list of potential candidates and has spoken to several qualified candidates, Alexander said.

The candidates will go through a series of interviews and evaluations by the committee, said Jean Walbridge, assistant to the chancellor.

Chancellor Michael Ferrari said the new chancellor should possess energy personality and strong values.

Ferrari said it is important that the candidate is the right fit for the TCU community.

Committee members cannot say much about the search because confidentiality in the interview and selection process is important to protect the candidates being considered, Alexander said.

“Disclosure would jeopardize our chance of attracting the most qualified candidates,” he said.

Ferrari said secrecy is crucial because publicizing candidates’ names could get the candidates in trouble with their current schools and force them to withdraw their names from consideration.

Several members of the search committee have declined to comment on the progress of the selection process.

“All I can say is we’re still searching,” said Karen Baker, associate director of administration in Residential Services and search committee member.
There is no set time for when the new chancellor choice will be announced," Ferrari said.

The committee is expected to make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees before the chancellor’s retirement date, Alexander said.

Emily Chung, a senior international marketing major, said even though she will not be a student when the new chancellor arrives, the future of TCU will be affected.

“The new chancellor should be able to add something to the university that distinguishes him from the previous chancellors, like Dr. Ferrari’s open communication on campus with the students,” Chung said.

Katie O’Brien, a junior theater major, said it will be important for the new chancellor to help develop school pride.

“A chancellor should make students feel proud about being at TCU,” O’Brien said.

Erin Baethge, a sophomore marketing major, said the community is an important factor for the new chancellor to consider.

“The new chancellor should be involved on campus as well as be able to spread the word about TCU around the community,” Baethge said.

Jacque Nguyen


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