TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
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Wednesday, March 5, 2003
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Mister Rogers will be missed

Part of our childhood died last week.

Fred Rogers, best known for his long-running children’s show “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” died at 74 of stomach cancer. His PBS show ran for more than 30 years. His last original show aired in 2001, but reruns have kept Mister Rogers on television for children today.


Opinions from around the country

Boycotting all things French is not a smart idea

There’s a restaurant owner in North Carolina who’s so fed up with the lack of support France has shown for the United States that he’s rewritten his menu.

Fast food isn’t to blame
Katherine Ortega

In a brilliant example of people finding a way to blame their behavior and problems on anyone but themselves, lawyers have revised the obesity lawsuit against McDonald’s. According to a report from, this lawsuit claims that McDonald’s uses “deceptive practices in the advertising, processing, and sale of foods, including Chicken McNuggets, Filet-O-Fish , Chicken Sandwich, French fries, and hamburgers.”

Sniff has become unoriginal
Ryan Salzman

The Sniff’s unoriginal level has been raised to code orange. Or maybe the title should be “The Sniff, dangerously close to creative void” or just “Sniff writers addicted to (”

A sincere bravo goes to those masked crusaders raising an unheard voice on our apathetic campus. I would also like to extend a hearty boo to those same crusaders for using that voice to better virtually nothing on our apathetic campus.

Opinions from the TCU community

What are you doing for Spring Break?


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Letters to the editor: The Skiff welcomes letters to the editor for publication. Letters must be signed and limited to 250 words. Only letters delivered via email or floppy disk will be considered. Letters must include the author’s classification, major and phone number. The Skiff reserves the right to edit or reject letters for style, taste and size restrictions.

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