TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Thursday, March 20, 2003
news campus opinion sports features


Here’s to a safe return of our troops

Protest is not unpatriotic.

If it were not for protest (think Boston Tea Party), the United States would probably be nonexistent and hot tea and scones would be the snack of choice.

Yet in classrooms all across campus, student debates are addressing the issue of whether someone opposing President Bush’s plan to wage war on Iraq is not a patriot.

Not supporting the decision to attack another nation is a legitimate standpoint. Very few wars in history have been championed unanimously.

With so many differing opinions on why we are actually going to war, it is natural that there are people who do not agree and who will be vocal about it. Fortunately, they live in a country where free speech is not only guaranteed, but encouraged.

Just because people do not support the war does not mean they do not love their country or wish for the safety of troops while they are at home or abroad.

Quite the contrary actually.

The men and women of the armed forces are under the command of the president, and as such, they are required to follow the orders of their commander in chief. They did not choose to go to war; they were ordered to go.

Being a member of the armed forces is not only a calling, but a job, whether it is career military personnel or members of the reserves. They are making a living and we admire them for choosing a career path that provides protection for their fellow citizens while placing themselves in the line of fire.

We send our hopes and best wishes that they will return safely — and soon.


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