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Tuesday, September 18, 2001

College Briefs
‘Mate Poaching’ common on campuses

Have you ever stolen someone's boyfriend? Has someone tried to steal your girlfriend?

According to a Bradley professor's study on infidelity in romantic relationships.

Research on what he calls "mate poaching" has made psychology professor David Schmitt a hot topic around the world.

Schmitt and David M. Buss co-authored an article titled "Human Mate Poaching: Tactics and Temptations for Infiltrating Existing Relationships," which appeared in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology during the summer.

The article is based on studies the two performed to determine the criteria that exist to cause a person to steal or “poach” another away from his or her boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, for the short term, such as a one-night stand or brief affair, or for the long term, such as a serious relationship or marriage.

Schmitt, who has conducted several studies about human romantic relationships and personalities, said this research into why people try to form relationships with others who already are in relationships is the first of its kind.

— The Bradley Scout


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