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“It is exciting to see what will happen. Higher education is a growth process and this is part of that.”
—Artist Thornton,
Milton Daniel hall director

Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Milton to vote on visitation hours
By Aaron Chimbel
Staff Reporter

Freshman business major Clark Rucker said he would like to see visitation hours changed in Milton Daniel Hall.

Rucker and the other 324 men of Milton Daniel, mostly freshmen will have the chance to vote on visitation hours today from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. in the hall’s lobby, Hall Director Artist Thornton said Tuesday.

Two items will be voted on, Milton Daniel Hall Council President Matt Freedman said.

Residents can vote for visitation to begin at 10 a.m. instead of noon and also to have visitation extended one hour at night until 1 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and 3 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Either or both items can be passed, but require two-thirds of all Milton Daniel residents to approve it, Freedman said.

More than 215 men would have to vote yes for one or both items to pass.

The time changes are the maximum allowed by residential services according to a memo sent by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Don Mills in May 2000. Prior to that time students had no say in their hall’s visitation hours. No hall has been successful in changing hours.

Thornton said if the hours change it would require more accountability from the students for their actions.

“It is exciting to see what will happen,” Thornton said. “Higher education is a growth process and this is part of that.”

Thornton said any change would likely go into effect Friday, the day after the vote tallying is expected to be completed.

Sophomore history major Alex Johnson says he thinks the current visitation hours for Milton are fine the way they are.

“I think (later visitation) would invite people to stay later and more trouble would happen,” Johnson said.

Student Government Association President and Milton Daniel Resident Assistant Brian Wood said he would rather see hours either kept the same or changed to 24-hour visitation. Wood said by moving visitation an hour back at night, RAs would not be able to enforce visitation policy.

Thornton said the times for RAs to perform rounds would not change. He said the responsibility would be placed on the resident to follow the new rules.

“I’m glad students have the power to (change visitation), I just hope they do it responsibly,” Wood said.

Aaron Chimbel


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