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Thursday, September 27, 2001

Colleges installing software to deter Web-surfing during class
By Jordan Blum
Staff Reporter

Junior political science major Aaron Christian said he sometimes ended up surfing the Internet instead of paying attention to the lecture during one of his business classes.
“Instead of listening to the lecture, I would either mess around on the Internet or do instant messaging,” Christian said.
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Joi Harris, a senior broadcast journalism major, works on an assignment in Media Writing and Editing II lab Wednesday night.


Seeking solace

SMU students Dina Pugach, left, Yasmeen Tadia, center, and Nazreen Hassan bow their heads in prayer at a special service held as part of President Bush's call for a national day of prayers in the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Being able to cope quickly is a good skill
Resilience developed from helping others after terrorist attacks
By Morgan Landry
Skiff Staff

The attacks on Sept. 11 reminded me of the old adage, “What does not kill you makes you stronger.”
I recovered quickly after the events so I found myself helping people regain the strength to move on with their lives. I passed out copies of my last column, listened to people vent about their fears and calmed their fears of the impending war.

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Frogs hope to gain added exposure from harder schedule
The women’s basketball schedule, released Wednesday, has 15 teams that played in the NCAA Tournament last season
By Brandon Ortiz
Sports Editor

The women’s basketball team hopes to capitalize on a schedule that features the likes of Southwest Missouri State and Rutgers to gain more national exposure and win more recruiting battles.
“We feel we are ready to take on that kind of schedule,” head coach Jeff Mittie said. “The schedule will provide us some opportunities nationally. It will give us a challenge before (Conference USA).”
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Get Real
America’s fascination with reality TV spawns more shows — and there is no end in sight
By Laura McFarland
Skiff Staff

Eating sheep eyes. Being dropped in the middle of nowhere with limited supplies and $100 and then told to race around the world and end up at the Statue of Liberty. Setting sail on a cruise ship with 16 people for 15 days expected to find true love.
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Cast members for ‘Survivor Africa’ announced

‘Saturday Night Live’ to acknowledge attacks


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