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Wednesday, October 3, 2001

PeopleSoft not people friendly, some university officials say
By Sarah McClellan
Staff Reporter

Entering the wrong query into PeopleSoft caused the admissions office to overestimate the number of freshman minorities to enroll in Fall 2001, said Ray Brown, dean of admissions.
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Fundraising campaign on target
Advancement hopes to raise $230 million by May 2007
By Jill Sutton
Staff Reporter

University Advancement officials are proceeding with “The Campaign for TCU” despite delays because of the terrorist attacks, said Bronson Davis, Vice Chancellor of University Advancement.

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  Special Section

Then & Now
A former Skiff editor in chief takes time to reflect on the past weeks and his time as editor in spring 2000
Joaquin Herrera is a designer at the San Antonio Express-News.

On Sept. 11, journalists across the country went into crisis mode. They did not have time to think about the tragic events that were unfolding around them. They had no time to cry. They had no time to face the frightening situation in our country. They just did their job — they brought information to a society that wanted to know “why?”
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The TCU Daily Skiff © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
