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Today in history

1973 Ñ Priscilla Presley was divorced from Elvis in Santa Monica, Calif. Ms. Presley got $1.5 million in cash and $4,200 per month in alimony.


Tuesday, October 9, 2001

Committee to review new core proposal
Changes emphasize upper division writing skills
By Jacque Petersell
Staff Reporter

The University Core Curriculum redesign committee will review a proposal this month to place more emphasis on writing skills in upper division courses within each major.
Committee Chairman Richard Enos said he hopes the university will hire a person with comprehensive writing skills and knowledge of several areas of study to coordinate upper level writing emphasis classes across each discipline.

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College Briefs
Calif. Senator nixes
proposed visa bill

Gay student group welcomes protesters

Major testing

Heather Christie/SKIFF STAFF

Tim Barth, a psychology professor, and Nick Harrel, a senior neuro-science major, demonstrate a psychologist treating an insane patient at the Major/Minor Fair in the Student Center Monday.



Military recruiting numbers up
Local Armed Forces officials say training policies will not change
By James Zwilling
Staff reporter

Armed Forces recruiters across the nation have seen an increase in Americans signing up to fight since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on America, local officials said.
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Whooping cough cases increase in Texas; no reports at TCU
By Aaron Chimbel
Staff Reporter

Cases of whooping cough have dramatically increased in the Rio Grande Valley this year, with 42 confirmed cases compared to 24 in all of 2000, according to Texas Department of Health statistics. Statewide there have been 285 cases reported since January with 10 of those in Fort Worth.

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  Science and Technology

Nulled Napster
Napster will be remembered for what it started, but people are looking elsewhere to download MP3s
By Jeff Dennis
Skiff Staff

Napster hasn’t been useful for obtaining MP3s for some time now, and Internet users aren’t sitting around hoping for its miraculous return. Instead, they’ve moved on to other Inernet-based programs to obtain their tunes.

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XM and Sirius to compete for
satellite radio empire

By Victor Drabicky
Skiff Staff

When a new technological advance first becomes readily available to consumers, it usually hits with fierce competition between two almost identical products offered by two very different companies ending with one in bankruptcy and the other with a pile of cash and worldwide recognition.

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The TCU Daily Skiff © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
