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Friday, October 26, 2001

Two students accept expulsion for drug violations
By James Zwilling
Staff Reporter

Two male Brachman Hall residents, temporarily suspended for drug violations Monday, accepted expulsion Thursday, Associate Dean of Campus Life Mike Russel said. A female student also temporarily suspended is still under investigation, he said.

Russel said the case against the female student will be decided within two weeks.

“The case against the male students was pretty cut and dry,” he said. “We had substantial evidence as to their guilt. It’s not as cut and dry with the other student.”

The female student could face distribution charges which, Russel said. If found guilty, the university would have no choice except expulsion. However, there is a possibility that charges against the student will not be as severe.

The male students accepted expulsion rather than face a disciplinary hearing, Russel said. A representative of Campus Life, usually himself, conducts a preliminary interview with students in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, because most individuals prefer to settle matters before attending a hearing.

Russel offered the two male students expulsion, after presenting them with significant evidence that could have been used against them in a discipline hearing to charge them with intent to distribute, he said. Campus Life did not release the names of the students involved.

The evidence included both written statements from other students on campus as well as the physical evidence collected in the three dorm rooms, Russel said.

TCU Police Assistant Chief J.C. Williams said earlier this week about four to five ounces of marijuana were obtained as evidence after Campus Life’s administrative inspection of three Brachman Hall rooms. Russel said a fourth room was searched later which did not result in any evidence or action against students.

Russel also said a substantially smaller amount of other drugs, yet to be identified, were found in the rooms of the three students.

TCU Police were not involved in any decisions made by Campus Life and that a criminal investigation of the three individuals continued, Williams said, although no new information had been introduced.

Williams said there are still no plans to file criminal charges against the individuals, however they will continue pursuing information that may aid their investigation.

James Zwilling


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