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Thursday, November 1, 2001

Student reports racial remarks to Campus Life
By Aaron Chimbel
Staff Reporter

Although some university officials have painted a flattering picture of the “win-win” partnership of freshmen men living in Greek residence halls, one freshman student says his experience has been far from ideal.
Freshman Anthony Tharpe, a history and advertising/public relations major, said racial language directed toward him was yelled outside his Martin-Moore Hall room on two separate occasions about one month ago. He also said his room door was repeatedly kicked and the lock was broken.

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Respectful remembrance

Spanish professors Perry Marchbanks, Claudia Cruz and Brisa Teutli decorate a table in Reed Hall Wednesday for the Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. The celebration, rooted in ancient Meso-American cultures, honors the deceased and spans the days of Oct. 31 through Nov. 2.

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Campus Briefs

Santa Barbara tries to fix Halloween ‘party’ image

Business school raising requirements for majors
By Jordan Blum

The M.J. Neeley School of Business is raising its admissions standards for students admitted to TCU in fall 2001 who apply to be business majors because of rapidly expanding class sizes, said Charles Williams, associate dean for undergraduates for the Neeley school.
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Greek chapters to raise $25,000 for Rise School scholarship
Efforts reflect first joint philanthropy project for groups
By Sam Eaton
Staff Reporter

All 20 chapters of the Interfraternity and Pan Hellenic councils will donate at least $1,000 each toward a $25,000 scholarship endowment for the Rise School, with IFC and Pan Hellenic providing the remainder, said IFC President Kyle Gore.

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  Skiff 100

Winning season
Football frenzy comes to Skiff
Commentary by Earnest Perry

The fall of 1984 ushered in the reawakening of TCU football, and as sports editor of the TCU Daily Skiff, it was my job to record it. It all started in the mountains of Utah.
The Frogs, led by head coach Jim Wacker, did something that hadn’t been done in 52 years. They blew out an opponent on its home field by beating Utah State 62-18. I know last year’s fans would look at that as just another Saturday, but in the early 1980s any win was cause for celebration, and that blow out led to the mother of all keg parties.
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