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Friday, November 9, 2001

Chelsea Hudson
Junior political science major

How will you work to further encourage the administration to act on student concerns?
The administration does not enjoy saying ‘no’ to students, yet they have a university to run. When presenting concerns to the administration, four steps need to be in place: Our ideas must benefit the whole, the liability cannot be too costly, the cost must be reasonable and the idea should serve students’ best interests.

What experience do you have that qualifies you for the office you are seeking?

  • two semesters as Homecoming Chairperson (2000-2001)
  • two semesters as Permanent Improvement's Chairperson (2001-2002)
  • five semesters serving the Student Government Association (1999-2002)
  • Resident Assistant

What is the number one issue you will work for if elected?
The students decide my number one issue because I’m elected to serve them. I have gathered several ideas that need attention, but the important thing is they are student ideas. While campaigning, I have reached students face to face. That’s how I hope to confront and resolve issues if I’m elected.

What will you do to make SGA and its officers more visible to the student body?
I will be creative. People are tired of the same programs and the same issues. Catching attention is the trick. TCU students are not apathetic, but it is the duty and the responsibility of leaders to motivate and mobilize students. People do care, if their leaders make an effort to reach out to them.

What are your specific goals if you are elected?
If I’m elected, my goals are to help SGA extend the hours of The Main, Frogbytes and Pond Street Grill, revert some loading zones back into parking spaces, send a presidential newsletter to students discussing the content of meetings with school leaders and improve the recycling program at TCU.


The TCU Daily Skiff © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
