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Friday, November 9, 2001

Chris Mattingly
Sophomore business major
Henderson, Ky.

What should the role of House be? How does it currently measure up?
House should serve as the collective voice of the students. House should be an instrument for student change on campus. Right now, House is working on projects that have resulted from student concerns and constituent surveys. However, House is always looking for new ideas from those they represent.

How will you work so that House legislation reflects the entire student body’s opinion?
The House doesn’t magically know what students are thinking. Therefore, we must reach out to constituents through forums, surveys and face-to-face conversations. I believe through hard work and diligence, I can further motivate our representatives to take time and talk with their peers about their interests and concerns.

What experience do you have that qualifies you for the position you are seeking?
I have a working knowledge of the House after one and half years at TCU. I was sub-committee chair of the Dining Services Committee and served as Parliamentarian. I am the president of my Delta Sigma Pi pledge class and was a team leader for TCU LEAPS.

What is the number one issue you will work toward if elected?
It’s hard to say one issue because we deal with many every day. If I could encourage one thing on campus, it would be school involvement and spirit. Many events occur on-campus every day! I would love to see a more consolidated push to support each other as Horned Frogs!

What is your specific goal if you are elected?
I have a number of goals which are: to revise the Election Code, work on parking issues, continue constituent-representative contact, bring students to meetings and committees, begin to instill a lasting change on campus and work to adequately represent student concerns.


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