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Friday, November 9, 2001

John Billingsley
Junior accounting major

What should the role of House be? How does it currently measure up?
The House Mission Statement says that House provides a “unified voice for students” and encourages a “clear, continuous exchange of ideas.” I think House finds it hard to provide a unified voice because many minority interests are underrepresented, as well as international student and commuter student interests.

How will you work so that House legislation reflects the entire student body’s opinion?
Increasing student involvement has been my platform throughout my campaign, and I feel that overcoming these issues is a great challenge. I would first make sure information about all campus organizations is available to all students, and then I would try to provide incentives for increasing involvement (i.e. food).

What experience do you have that qualifies you for the position you are seeking?
I have been involved in the House for two years. I served a semester as Permanent Improvements Committee Chairman and two semesters as Elections and Regulations Committee chairman. I fully understand the process of getting students involved in the House.

What is the number one issue you will work toward if elected?
Issues such as parking and dining services are always important, but if student involvement increases, we as more unified TCU students would have a stronger voice in determining policies that affect our lives. I will work to improve the status of student involvement in other organizations as well as the House.

What is your specific goal if you are elected?
I would also like to see the expansion of security measures such as Froggie 5-0, and I would definitely push for a solid statement from administration concerning the present and future state of student parking.


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