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Friday, November 9, 2001

Melissa Nabors
Junior political science and ad/pr major
Baltimore, Md.

What do you think the role of PC should be on campus? How does it measure up?
The role of the PC on campus is to educate and entertain the TCU community and to bring the campus together through student-run and student idea-driven programs. Currently, PC is doing campus programming, but is lacking communication with the student body and lacking leaders to implement programs.

How will you create a cohesive unit within the PC to better serve the student body?
The VP truly leads cohesiveness within the PC. By finding a diverse section of chairs and through hands on interactions with programs and being able to be an advisor to chairpersons and committees, I hope individuals will realize that PC is a family that helps motivate them, and works with them to create better student programs.

What experience do you have that qualifies you for the position you seek?
I have been on the PC for two and half years. I was involved in committee, chairperson and administrative cabinet roles. As Director of Programming for 18 months, I have worked with all seven current committees, worked and co-programmed with over 40 organizations, and worked on the PC assessment.

What are your specific goals if you are elected?
I want to create communication with organizations that do not currently work with the Programming Council. I want PC to be more marketable to students. I want every student at TCU to hear what PC does. I want to work with the House of Student Representatives to create SGA programming, not only PC programming.

How will you make the PC more visible to students and encourage their participation?
Reviving the image of the PC and communicating to the student body will help, but marketing of the organization will be placed into a mass-marketing campaign of what PC has done. I want to encourage participation through personal interaction by taking PC to the students.


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