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Tuesday, November 13, 2001

Candidates campaign for change
Forums give students a chance to question possible SGA leaders
By Kristin Delorantis
Staff Reporter

Improved communication between the Student Government Association and the student body was a common platform expressed by SGA candidates at the forums Friday and Monday.

Fort Worth City Councilwoman Wendy Davis introduced and moderated the forum Monday when SGA candidates presented platforms concerning food and parking problems and issues that would unite TCU. All candidates answered questions about communication and diversity.


SGA candidates hosted a forum Monday in the Student Center Lounge to provide students a chance to ask questions prior to today’s elections.

Brad Biggs, SGA presidential candidate, said two issues the student body has been vocal about are the problems of food and parking. He said he will confront those issues if elected.

SGA president candidate Chelsea Hudson said students need to stop complaining and asking for outrageous changes and start asking for specific changes that are feasible, like reverting loading zones back into parking spaces, allowing freshmen to park on campus during the weekend, demanding more food variety and requesting a review of food prices.

Hudson also said there are deeper issues that the student body needs to continue embracing as a whole. The TCU community came together for the Sept. 11 tragedy, and the student body needs to keep showing concern for these types of big issues, she said.

Matt Colglazier, candidate for SGA President, said he does not think it is the job of the SGA to solve all of the problems at TCU like food and parking problems, but that it needs to focus more on issues that will make TCU a more dynamic and creative place for students to be.

Biggs said the biggest power SGA has is communication with the administration and students.

Melissa Nabors, candidate for Vice President of the Programming Council, said she wants to reach out to the students rather than waiting for students to come to PC.

After the goal of communication is achieved, student involvement is vital, she said.

Candidate for SGA Secretary Brad Thompson said the Communications Committee needs to be stronger and more representative of the student body.

Thompson said he would like for the committee to consist of members not only from the House and the PC, but also from outside organizations.

Todd Clower, candidate for SGA Secretary, said he has plans to take the Communications Committee to another level with small student organizations as well as minority organizations.

Clower said he wants to have a meeting twice a month with a representative from each student organization that would like to participate. This type of meeting would allow different organizations voices to be heard and we can collaborate on issues, he said.

Biggs said in order to make TCU a community, students need to get together as a unified body and work through the issues of diversity.

Candidate for House Vice President Karl Kruse said he thinks people need approach diversity by realizing that everyone is an individual.

“There isn’t an affirmative action program for what you should do on a Saturday night,” Kruse said. “We need to keep beating people over the head and saying that everyone is different, and all we can do is provide programs to make the campus truly diverse and truly equal for everyone.”

Kristin Delorantis


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