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Tuesday, November 13, 2001

College Briefs
Men earn more money than women, experts says

BOSTON (U-WIRE) — Experts say working women have made significant progress in gaining equality in the workplace with regard to income and treatment, but still have a way to go to catch up with men. Statistics also show gradual improvements in regard to wages, even though women have not yet reached total equality.

“We feel that discrimination is still a problem, even when men and women have the same qualifications for the job,” said Alyson Reed, executive director of the National Committee on Pay Equity.

The National Committee on Pay Equity is a national coalition of organizations that work to eliminate discrimination and achieve pay equality between men and women in the work environment.

Annually, women earn $13,087 less than the average man, a 2000 Census Bureau reported. A separate report by the National Committee on Pay Equity read, “on average a woman who has a master’s degree makes $6,456 less than a man with a college degree.”

— The Daily Free Press


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