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Meal Card Donations, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in the Student Center

Brite Divinity School Worship Service, 11 a.m. Robert Carr Chapel

Hunger Banquet, 7-8 p.m. the Reed Hall Faculty Lounge
Speaker: David Huffman, Area Representative for Church World Service

24-Hour Prayer Vigil, noon today to noon Wednesday in Robert Carr Chapel
sponsored by United Campus Ministries

University Ministries Worship Service, noon in Robert Carr Chapel
Speaker: Bo Soderburgh, Executive Director of Tarrant County Area Food Bank

Campout, 8:30 p.m. to midnight next to Frog Fountain

Service Project, 1-9 p.m. at the Tarrant Area Food Bank
sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

No participation goals set for Hunger Week
Skiff Staff

University Ministries’ Hunger Week Committee is sponsoring events throughout the week to raise money and increase campus awareness of world hunger, said Austin Dickson, Hunger Week director.

Students, faculty and staff can contribute toward the cause by donating money from meal cards, attending a 24-hour prayer vigil or volunteering at the Tarrant County Area Food Bank this week.

“Hunger Week is a fund-raiser, a service program and an educational opportunity ... geared toward opening people’s eyes,” Dickson said.

Meal card donations can be made every day this week in the Student Center. Marriott, now Sodexho food services, matches student contributions each year, he said.

Dickson said donations and participation fluctuates every year, so the committee did not set a goal for Hunger Week.

“In years past we’ve gotten up to $22,000 and in other years we’ve got $3,000. It all depends on world events and how big an issue hunger is to the TCU community, the United States and the world,” Dickson said.

Heather Patriacca, a senior religion major and United Campus Ministries president, said donations and participation have declined in recent years.

“Ten years ago, TCU raised $15,000 to $20,000 for Hunger week, in the last few years, we struggled to raise $3,000 to $5,000,” she said.

This year, the committee hopes to make Hunger Week more service-oriented by involving several campus organizations in a service project at the food bank, Dickson said.

Kelly Cowdery, Alpha Phi Omega Hunger Week service coordinator, said campus organizations such as International Student Association and APO will organize shifts going to the food bank and sorting canned goods for storage and distribution to other food banks and homeless shelters.

“Hunger Week really forces the TCU community to think outside the bubble and consider international issues,” said Cowdery, a senior elementary education major.

“Hunger is a problem all over the world, and we need to think about people who are suffering outside Fort Worth, Texas and the United States.”

University Minister John Butler said anyone interested in volunteering at the food bank Thursday from 1-9 p.m. can call University Ministries at (817) 257-7830.


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