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Thursday, November 15, 2001

Faculty demand on rise in key areas
By Kristina Iodice
Copy Desk Chief

When a prospective student asks about the student-to-faculty ratio, admissions personnel and TCU literature all say 15-to-1— but that number is an average of the entire university and does not reflect the differences between different schools and departments.
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Greek chapters select council leaders
By Sam Eaton
Staff Reporter

Although the fraternities of Interfraternity Council elected two experienced officers for 2002, both the IFC and the sororities of Panhellenic Council will have plenty of fresh faces.
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Friendship feast

Sherley Hall residents gather for an all-hall dinner Wednesday night. Students and faculty dine together on food catered from Boston Market.

Purple Poll Trends
  Crazy over Potter

All ages embrace Potter
By Laura McFarland

Wizards. Wands. Muggles. Harry Potter. These words have become household names in a craze that has swept across the country, capturing the imaginations of young and old alike and has also become embedded in the hearts of many TCU students.
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Library to hold social
By Laura McFarland
Skiff Staff
The Friends of the TCU Library invite all muggles (non-magical people, that is) to a Harry Potter social at 3 p.m. Saturday in the Great Reading Room in the Mary Couts Burnett Library.

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