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Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Blown transformer displaces students
By Heather Christie
Staff Reporter

Approximately 120 sorority members either spent Monday night in a hotel or were headed home early for the holidays after power outages forced evacuations of some residence halls.
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Rising insurance costs may force staff cancellations
By Jaime Walker
Skiff Staff

Just after she finished emptying the trash cans on “her floor,” a residential services employee with more than 20 years of experience at TCU fought the urge to pitch the white, 8-by-11 envelope marked “confidential” right into the garbage.
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FrogNet overloaded
TCU considering other programs to solve problem
By Erin LaMourie
Staff Reporter

Junior accounting and finance major Whitney Merriman was unable to register for classes for three hours Nov. 9. When she finally was able to log on, all her classes were full. Merriman did not notify anyone of her difficulties.
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Endowment losses force
increased tuition hikes

By Sarah McClellan
Staff Reporter

TCU’s endowment, which is valued at about $900 million, has decreased approximately eight percent as a result of rising inflation and deprecations in the stock markets due in part to the Sept. 11 attacks, said Chancellor Michael Ferrari. The 8 percent loss mirrors the overall loss of the stock market.
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Bush signs aviation safety bill
Baggage screeners now federal employees, increased air marshals
By Scott Lindlaw
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Bush signed legislation Monday to put the nation's airport baggage screeners on the federal payroll, part of an effort to enhance airline safety and reassure passengers the skies are safe 10 weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
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$25 million bounty offered on bin Laden
By Robert Burns
Associate Press

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon hopes Afghans motivated by the Taliban's collapse and millions in U.S. reward money will find Osama bin Laden's hideout so U.S. troops won't have to hunt cave-to-cave for him, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Monday.
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