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Note:Records updated once weekly

John Billingsley received 677 votes and Abby Crawford received 612 votes in the run-off election for vice president of the SGA. In Friday’s issue the number of votes were incorrect.


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Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Internet access prioritized to manage network traffic
By Jordan Blum
Staff Reporter

Information Services officials said TCU has no plans to curb annual bandwidth additions but will reshape budget strategies if bandwidth prices begin to rise.

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Thankful tunes


The Tuesday/Thursday Jazz Ensamble performs in the Student Center Lounge Monday afternoon. The group annually fills the lounge with music on the Monday before Thanksgiving.



Milton visitation hours to continue
By Aaron Chimbel
Staff Reporter

Milton Daniel Hall residents will enjoy their extended visitation hours for at least one more semester.

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Aiming High
New SGA president sets lofty goals, achieves them
Kristin Delorantis
Staff Reporter

As a junior in high school, Chelsea Hudson swore she would never be involved with government after high school because it never accomplished anything.
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Today in history
1877 - Thomas Edison announced his invention of the phonograph. The phonograph enabled people to record
and play back sound.

Afraid to Fly?
TCU students are more worried about long lines at the airport than actually flying during the holidays
By Sam Eaton
Staff Reporter

Despite the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, millions of Americans will use air travel to eat turkey with family. And TCU students will be among them.
While the attacks have given many Americans second-thoughts about flying, several TCU students said their flight plans remain unaltered.
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Too Much Turkey
Need some creative ideas for all those Thanksgiving leftovers?
By Linda Gassenheimer
Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service

Extra turkey? Try stroganoff.
There’s no doubt about it. This is turkey season. Not so long ago, this was the only time of the year turkeys were abundant. Now, turkey breasts, ground turkey, turkey fillets, turkey steaks and slices are sold year round. It’s a great, versatile meat.
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