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Today in history
1904 - President Theodore Roosevelt wrote a letter to
his distant cousin Franklin,
saying that he approved of Franklin’s engagement to the President’s niece, Eleanor.

Thursday, November 29, 2001

University crime stats to be online
By James Zwilling
Staff Reporter

A new program by the U.S. Department of Education will enable students considering any of the nation’s 6,269 colleges, universities and career schools to view college crime statistics online at (
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Picking up pieces of so many lives
AIDS Memorial Quilt panels to be displayed in Student Center ballroom
By Piper Huddleston
Staff Reporter

Kathryne McDorman, director of the honors program, lost a close friend to AIDS. She and another friend wanted to do something special to remember the loss of their friend, she said.

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X-mas ’Xtras
Joe Patton, a 1959 graduate of TCU, sells his holiday crafts for a 15th year Wednesday. “We (he and his wife) only sell these two days out of the year. If you want one after tomorrow, you’ll have to wait 363 days,” Patton said.

Purple Poll

Forum focuses on the importance of organ donation
By Jill Sutton
Staff Reporter

There are 66,067 patients waiting for transplants across the nation and one organ and tissue donor can provide up to seven life saving organs, according to statistics from LifeGift, an organ donation organization.

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Olympic Torch Relay to cross TCU campus
By Heather Christie
Staff Reporter

For TCU swim coach Richard Sybesma, carrying the Olympic Torch across campus Wednesday Dec. 12 approximately between 8:58 a.m. and 9:02 a.m. has special meaning because he is running in memory of an former TCU swimmer.
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All I want for Christmas

In the 1960s, Andy Williams sang the infamous holiday lyrics, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Of course, that was in 1960 and I doubt if Williams ever stood in line, 30 people deep, at Toys “R” Us waiting to get into another line to wait for the arrival of a new shipment of Tickle Me Elmos or Furbies. Let’s see if he still feels the need to belt out those lyrics after his psychologically damaging experience in a check-out line.

Well, if that doesn’t give you a hint, or the Christmas decorations around campus haven’t clued you in yet, it’s Christmas time. And if you are like the average college student, you still have plenty of shopping to do for family, friends and your roommate. But in attempt to make your shopping days as painless as possible, and believe me it’s difficult, here’s a list of nine of the season’s most popular gift ideas that range from all ages and all prices.
View a list of some of the hottest products of this holiday season.






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