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Friday, November 30, 2001

Looking Back

Less than a month after the semester began, the world came to a crashing halt. The attacks of Sept. 11 reverberated throughout the nation. TCU students in Washington, D.C. experienced the fear and panic firsthand, but the effects reached the TCU community. As the first attack the American mainland since 1865, the attacks and the resulting war on terrorism dominated news coverage. As American bombs fell on the Taliban, letter bombs full of anthrax descended on the U.S. Capitol. Closer to home, President George W. Bush hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin at his ranch In Crawford. Heeding Bush’s words, the TCU community moved forward. TCU welcomed its largest freshman class, men’s basketball coach Billy Tubbs stepped down and the College of Communications hired a dean after a two-year search.

When the new millennium began, the TCU community stressed over stolen artifacts, suspended basketball players and the potential addition of a law school. While such matters may not hold such significance now, we must strive for tomorrow while never forgetting the past.




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