Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Chinese Student Organization aims
to promote diversity
Group hopes to increase numbers after fall 2001 start
By Kelly Maria Howard
Staff Reporter

Members of the Chinese Student Organization are working to promote diversity through opportunities, cultural exchange and friendship between Chinese students and students of other cultures, said Karen Li, a senior nutrition major.

The group was created in fall 2001 and are hoping to increase their numbers, she said.

“I thought that it would benefit TCU and its students to have a more diverse community, as CSO provides an opportunity for TCU students to learn more about the Chinese culture,” Li said. “After I shared the idea with a few Chinese friends here, they all thought it was a good idea and believed there was a need here.”

Li said she got the idea from friends who go to the University of Texas at Arlington where Chinese students have cultural student organizations and activities that they can participate in. She said 25 students signed up for membership in CSO last semester.

Mike Xu, CSO sponsor, said the organization is a good opportunity for students of all backgrounds to learn more about a culture other than their own, but will also serve to help Chinese students feel part of the community.

“I am very glad for the establishment of the organization — it provides a good opportunity for Chinese students to communicate with all students and faculty, and to learn more about American people and culture,” said Xu, who is also an assistant professor of Chinese studies. “On the other hand, I hope it can help to increase the understanding of Chinese people and culture with various activities and participation.”

Xu said the organization will celebrate special Chinese festivals, hold study groups and provide volunteer work to the TCU community as determined by the members.

Li said there will be sports activities, gatherings and fund raising events. She said some of the gatherings may include movie nights, karaoke and picnics.

“We hope to cooperate with different student organizations at TCU,” Li said. “It will definitely help us to promote cultural exchange and to make friends with different backgrounds.”

Li said some of the objectives of the organization are to promote friendship with other cultural groups, help new and current Chinese students to adapt to the way of life in the United States while preserving their Chinese heritage and to assist and aid students in times of need.
CSO doesn’t have a regular meeting time this semester but if a meeting comes up they will post a message on TCU Announce, Li said.

Kelly Maria Howard


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